Študij sem opravljala na ALUO v Ljubljani. Diplomirala sem s kratkim animiranim filmom Jazon in argonavti, magistrirala pa s projektom Slikovni zemljevid planinskih poti v Logarski dolini.
Izpopolnjevala sem se na študijski izmenjavi na Akademiji Minerva v Groningenu na Nizozemskem.
Zanimajo me rastlinski in živalski motivi v slogu znanstvene ilustracije. Vmes si rada vzamem odmor in se podam v redukcijski linorez, ki me zaradi svojih edinstvenih ustvarjalnih faz izredno povleče v čisto samosvoj svet ilustracije.
I completed my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (ALUO) in Ljubljana. I earned my bachelor's degree with a short animated film *Jason and the Argonauts* and my master's degree with the project *Pictorial Map of Hiking Trails in the Logar Valley*.
I further enhanced my skills during a study exchange at Academie Minerva in Groningen, Netherlands.
I am particularly interested in plant and animal motifs in the style of scientific illustration. Occasionally, I like to take a break and immerse myself in reduction linocut, which, due to its unique creative phases, draws me into a distinctive and captivating world of illustration.